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10 Ways to Fight Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction does not have to be a prison sentence. Recovery can give you freedom from addiction and the adverse repercussions of addiction. Here are 10 ways to fight alcohol addiction that are meant to supplement treatment from an alcohol abuse and addiction program.

#1. Fight Alcohol Addiction with Good Conditions

Addiction does not bode well in good conditions and healthy atmospheres. Take care of yourself with good personal grooming habits and self-care as well as by maintaining a clean and inviting home environment.

#2. Exercise

Exercise battles stress efficiently and supports a healthy and positive-minded lifestyle. Stress is a major trigger for alcohol use so it’s important to keep it to a minimum.

#3. Eat Well

Proper nutrition is beneficial to your mental and physical health. It’s also one factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, valuing yourself and even combating stress.

#4. Mind the Company You Keep

The company you keep is so important when it comes to alcohol addiction. Avoid individuals who continue to abuse substances or individuals who have abused substances with you in the past as they may trigger you to relapse.

#5. Attend Support Group Meetings

Support group meetings keep your recovery program in mind while also providing you with a great venue for voicing your experiences, hopes and concerns. You are able to give and receive valuable support at these meetings.

#6. Use Your Relapse Prevention Strategies

Utilize your relapse prevention strategies everyday to combat alcohol addiction. They can help you to be reminded of what your triggers are, as well as your specific steps of action to avoid them.

#7. Get Involved with Activities

Boredom is another major alcohol addiction trigger. Stave off boredom with your favorite activities and pastimes. A bonus to staying busy and active is that you have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals so you can surround yourself with positive people with healthy mindsets conducive to recovery.

#8. Don’t Tempt Fate

Do not attempt to put yourself in the company of triggers (whether people, places or substances) in order to test the strength of your recovery. Even very little exposure to your triggers can have the adverse effect of a subsequent relapse. Avoidance of triggers can benefit your recovery.

#9. Maintain a Strong Support System

Support is a great help in the fight against alcohol addiction. Be sure to regularly speak to and spend time with your closest supporters – family, friends, mentors, et al.

#10. Remember Recovery is a Process

Remember that recovery is a process and not a destination, so you should always continue to work on your program. You can fight alcohol addiction. Take this mission one day at a time.

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.  A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full-service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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